Below is a GoogleMap of the area showing our location.

SatNav Co-ordinates: 45,943554, -0,345519

Postal address: 9 Rue Des Marais, Villotte, St. Martin de Juillers, 17400. 

We strongly suggest you use the co-ordinates for your SatNav rather than the address as you may be misdirected otherwise. On the map below if no star is shown we are right in the middle of the picture, on the western edge of the village, just where the D221E turns sharp right. Look out for our red postbox on the garage door.

English telephone line +44 333 011 8616.

French mobile +33 7717 28916 (best to use landline as mobile signal is unreliable due to thickness of the walls).

If using what3words here is the precise address of your car park:  


Why not use the QR code reader on your smartphone and get the directions that way.

·         If coming from St. Jean D’Angely direction (off the motorway) head southeast and after a couple of miles, just after the village of Le Petit Cabaret, turn left onto the D130 for Varaize. As you meet the D121 turn right and right again into Villotte.

·         If coming down from Aulnay on the D121 look out for the right turn 1KM after Cherbonnieres. Look out for the large green tractor shed on the D121 and take either turn next to it.

·         Coming north from Matha look out for the large green tractor shed on the D121 and take either turn next to it.

We are at the western most edge of Villotte. Our big blue garage door has a red London post box attached. Look out for the cream coloured garden wall with large black gates which will be open for you.

On arrival

Please ring our ‘Ring’ doorbell next to the black gates.