Winter Tariffs for 2022/2023
No. 1
Price per month: £495 plus the additional charges shown below.
No. 2
Price per month: £445 plus the additional charges shown below.
Talk to us about periods that aren't strictly monthly as deals can always be done.
Additional charges:
Taxe de Sejour (local tourist tax): currently 80 centimes per adult per night. You pay this by cash on arrival and is collected each month. We are obliged to show this as a separate item and pass it directly online to the local tax authorities. We can show payment if required.
Electricity: Each cottage has its own usage monitor which is read at the start of your stay and then at appropriate periods. We pass on the exact usage which is charged by DirectEnergie at 15 centimes per Kw. Usage is usually around €50 per month (€12.50 per week) but we charge that amount up front and refund the difference at the end of your stay along with the security deposit. We make no profit on your electricity usage.
Log burner wood: Each cottage has a log burner and if you wish us to order some logs for you then they cost €85 per stere (1m3). Usage is normally around 1 stere per month or so and we normally arrange a stere for the first month of your stay. We will help you arrange further wood during your first month but you will pay the supplier direct. We ask you to pay for this first month as an up front cost.
The rental price is shown in pounds sterling, some the extras are priced in euros. If clients wish to pay rental in euros then the applicable exchange rate will be applied. Normally rental is paid by the client direct into our UK bank account but other arrangements are possible including PayPal and french bank account cheque (not UK cheques). See Ts&Cs for full details.